Park City was incorporated as a city in 1884. The mountains' abundant silver veins attracted adventurers from around the world in the late 1860s. During Park City's mining height, the surrounding mountains yielded $400 million in silver and created 23 millionaires—including the father of newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst.
However, with falling mineral prices in the 1930s, the boom years ended and residents began "mining" a new treasure on the mountain, discovering what would later be coined The Greatest Snow on Earth.
Through the years, the mountain adopted many names from Treasure Mountain to Park City Ski Area, from Park City Mountain Resort to Park City Mountain. Today, Park City is a unique blend of the old and new, constantly evolving with a nod to the past and a vision for the future.
If you're in the hunt for a second home in Park City, and would like to learn more, drop us a note!