A feeling like no other, Kirkwood energizes your heart and liberates your spirit. Fueled by a culture that demands a willingness to push your boundaries, Kirkwood offers adventure in its purest form.
You choose to come to the mountains – why? There is an intrinsic feeling deep within our souls that ties us to wonder, curiosity and connection. Kirkwood’s heritage runs deep in every aspect. It’s not Tahoe for a reason. If you choose to come to Kirkwood be prepared to take home a story like no other.
Whether you’re looking for progression or steep and deep, Kirkwood has it all – including some of the best learning terrain and snowfall in the region. Make your trip a fun family getaway or a thrill-seeking adventure, either path you choose Kirkwood will challenge you at all levels.
If you're in the hunt for a second home in Kirkwood, and would like to learn more, drop us a note!